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What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is one of the world's oldest secular fraternal societies

The following information is intended to explain Freemasonry as it is practised under the United Grand Lodge of England, which administers Lodges of Freemasons in England and Wales and in many places overseas.


Freemasonry is a society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values. Its members are taught its precepts by a series of ritual dramas, which follow ancient forms, and use stonemasons’ customs and tools as allegorical guides.

How do you become a Freemason?

The essential qualification for admission into, and continuing membership is a belief in a Supreme Being.


Membership is open to men of any race or religion who can fulfil this essential qualification and who are of good repute.

Introduction to Freemasonry in Hampshire and Isle of Wight
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Which Orders Meet at the Hall?
Craft, Holy Royal Arch, Mark Master Masons, The Ancient and Accepted Rite and The Red Cross of Constantine

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